Recent Work
Scrolling down this gallery you will see a selection of my most recent artworks and their titles are usually a good indicator of their inspiration, such as:
Quarry - The village quarry is located a short walk up Worsendale and I spent a few months exploring the place with sketchbook & camera until a dispute about ownership brought my explorations to an an abrupt end. However I had enough source material for a number of artworks and I continue to follow how it changes through the seasons from the road up the dale.
The Art of Nature (TAON) - I had planned to spend a full year observing & recording the plant life of the quarry but it wasn't to be. However the time I had was sufficient to get a good idea of the plants that call the quarry home and found that they can be found around the village too so have been able to collect plant material to use in my printmaking.
Beck - There are a number of springs on the hillsides above the village & these come together to create the village beck. I spend many happy hours in my wellies exploring & mapping the obstacle course of human-made structures that this chalk stream encounters on its 1km journey through the village, information that is then used back in the studio.
Landscape Legacy - The impact of humans on the landscape and nature's interaction with it is a rich source of inspiration for me. I particularly enjoy observing nature reclaiming abandoned human-built structures especially on the coast and in disused industrial sites. Photos & sketches of these places provide a rich source of inspiration for me.
Memory Wall - These artworks have a very specific format - a 'wall' built out of pieces of old prints with a sun or moon rising above. These collages are usually made when life is so busy that I can only grab a few minutes at a time in the studio. I use parts of old prints that I feel are worth celebrating & too good to recycle. Making a memory wall is usually a long process, similar to having a jigsaw on the go where a few pieces are added each day.
PM - Papiermache is another good way of using remnants of old prints & paper offcuts but this time in 3D. It is mostly a winter activity for me - the studio has underfloor heating so anything I make gets tucked under my desk to dry out on the warm floor. I enjoy the messiness and make all sort of things & the pieces that get properly finished can be seen below.
The varying dimensions of the images in the gallery below means you can see at a glance the shape of each individual artwork, clicking on the image will give you more information including the dimensions. My finished artworks vary in size to such an extent that the small introductory images cannot sensibly be displayed at their correct relative sizes.
All the work in this gallery is available to purchase, please do contact me if you would like more information.
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The Art of Nature (TAON) - I had planned to spend a full year observing & recording the plant life of the quarry but it wasn't to be. However the time I had was sufficient to get a good idea of the plants that call the quarry home and found that they can be found around the village too so have been able to collect plant material to use in my printmaking.

Landscape Legacy - The impact of humans on the landscape and nature's interaction with it is a rich source of inspiration for me. I particularly enjoy observing nature reclaiming abandoned human-built structures especially on the coast and in disused industrial sites. Photos & sketches of these places provide a rich source of inspiration for me.

PM - Papiermache is another good way of using remnants of old prints & paper offcuts but this time in 3D. It is mostly a winter activity for me - the studio has underfloor heating so anything I make gets tucked under my desk to dry out on the warm floor. I enjoy the messiness and make all sort of things & the pieces that get properly finished can be seen below.
The varying dimensions of the images in the gallery below means you can see at a glance the shape of each individual artwork, clicking on the image will give you more information including the dimensions. My finished artworks vary in size to such an extent that the small introductory images cannot sensibly be displayed at their correct relative sizes.
All the work in this gallery is available to purchase, please do contact me if you would like more information.
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